King's Speech: Labour Government will 'get Britain building'

The Labour Government will deliver its aim of building 1.5 million houses by ‘modernising planning committees’.

Building (c) Joseph C/Shutterstock

Building (c) Joseph C/Shutterstock

The Labour Government will deliver its aim of building 1.5 million houses by ‘modernising planning committees'.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer used his first King's Speech to confirm the Government's ambition to ‘get Britain building, including through planning reform' as ministers seek to ‘accelerate the delivery of high-quality infrastructure and housing'.

The Planning and Infrastructure Bill aims to accelerate housebuilding by improving local planning decision making and by increasing local planning authorities' capacity.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves last week pledged to reintroduce compulsory housing targets despite criticisms of the policy from local government.

Labour has previously promised to pay for 300 new planners for local authorities.

The Bill also seeks to streamline the delivery process for critical infrastructure by simplifying the ‘consenting process for major infrastructure projects'.

Chief executive of think-tank Localis, Jonathan Werran, said: ‘Legislative plans outlined in today's King's Speech to reintroduce strategic planning could be a gamechanger for housing supply.

‘Any reforms to planning will need to be supported by better resources for local authorities to deliver on the ground the manifesto ambition for 1.5 million new homes over the lifetime of the Parliament.'



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