Levelling up would add £242bn to economy each year, research finds

Successfully delivering on the levelling up agenda would boost the economy by £242bn a year, new research has found.

Successfully delivering on the levelling up agenda would boost the economy by £242bn a year, new research has found.

The Centre for Progressive Policy (CPP) said levelling up would result in an annual productivity windfall equivalent to 13% of total gross value added in Great Britain.

CPP called on the Government to roll out mayoral combined authorities across England, ensure clear accountability for agreed outcomes with regional mayors and deliver on skills.

Director at the CPP, Charlotte Alldritt, said: 'What began as a thinly-veiled political project has the potential to redraw the map of opportunity, productivity and prosperity in the UK for generations.

The Government has made repeated promises on levelling up, but it's time to see tangible action.'


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