Lockdowns should be decided locally, says WHO special envoy

Decisions on local coronavirus restrictions should be made locally, a top World Health Organisation official has urged.

Decisions on local coronavirus restrictions should be made locally, a top World Health Organisation official has urged.

The comments from Dr David Nabarro, one of the UN health agency's six special envoys on COVID-19, came after health and social care secretary, Matt Hancock, confirmed lockdown restrictions will remain in place in Bolton and Trafford following a request from council leaders amid a rise in infection rates.

Speaking to Channel 4 News, Dr Nabarro said: ‘Certainly all of the evidence that we have from all over the world suggests that decisions do have to be made locally using information that helps us understand how the virus is moving.'

Interviewed on the same programme, Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham said: ‘We need an exit route from these restrictions.

'Councils need to be the primary decision-makers here as to whether or not they ask the Government for restrictions.

‘We still do not have test and trace working properly and that's why these blanket restrictions are needed.'


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