A lot more to come from the NAO in 2025

Abdool Kara says the National Audit Office continued to perform its public duty of supporting accountability to Parliament in 2024, 'with seminal studies on homelessness, special educational needs and disabilities and progress on remediating dangerous cladding'.

(c) Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

As we approach the end of the year, it feels appropriate to reflect on the events of the last 12 months. Coincidentally, I wrote an early January column where I suggested that 2024 would be a ‘watershed' year for the sector and more widely, so it has proven to be, with events both predictable and unforeseen.

We had the two big elections that affect the UK. While the July General Election outcome was widely predicted, its timing was not. The opposite was true across the pond, with a predetermined USA election day, but an outcome that was touch and go – until it wasn't.

Abdool Kara

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