Prevention Green Paper blasted as 'shopping list of half-complete ideas'

Local authority leaders have criticised the Government’s prevention Green Paper as a ‘missed opportunity’ that neglects the role councils play in delivering public health services.

Local authority leaders have criticised the Government's prevention Green Paper as a ‘missed opportunity' that neglects the role councils play in delivering public health services. 

The Government's consultation document argues that the 2020s will be the 'decade of proactive, predictive, and personalised prevention' where targeted support and tailored lifestyle advice will be key to healthcare.

It laid out the Government's ambition to make England a smoke-free country by 2030, promised ‘bold action' in the fight against childhood obesity, and said there would be ‘parity of esteem' between physical and mental health issues.

The paper concluded: ‘The commitments outlined in this Green Paper signal a new approach for the health and care system.

‘It will mean the government - both local and national - working with the health and care system, to put prevention at the centre of all our decision-making.'

But chairman of the Local Government Association's community wellbeing board, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, criticised the paper, describing it as ‘a missed opportunity to make the most of councils' role and expertise'.

The Health Foundation, an independent charity, argued that the paper ‘falls a long way short of the comprehensive shift in approach needed to create healthier lives for people in England'.

Director of health at the charity, Jo Bibby, said: ‘Perhaps unsurprisingly at a time of political uncertainty, the Government has stepped back from the bold action required.

'This should concern us all when ambitious whole-government action is urgently needed to tackle the root causes of ill health – including poverty and deprivation, poor housing, poor quality work, social isolation and poor quality environments.'

Director of policy at the Independent Age charity, George McNamara, added: 'These proposals from the Government represent a shopping list of half-complete ideas, many of which still require further detail and development - rather than an ambitious programme to improve the health of our nation.'


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