Scottish councils sign £700m contract to 'transform waste'

Five Scottish councils have signed a contract that will divert up to 190,000 tonnes of black bag waste from landfill.

Five Scottish councils have signed a contract that will divert up to 190,000 tonnes of black bag waste from landfill.

Under the £700m, 25-year Clyde Valley Residual Waste Project between East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire councils and Viridor, household waste will be taken to a materials recovery facility and treated to create a refuse-derived fuel that can produce electricity.

Executive director of enterprise and communities at North Lanarkshire Council, Robert Steenson, said: ‘This is a significant project for the five local authorities - both as the first partnership of its kind in Scotland and in its contribution to managing household waste more effectively.

‘It means that the waste, which cannot be otherwise be recycled, will now be diverted from landfill and transformed into low-carbon electricity.

‘At the same time, it also reduces the overall carbon impact associated with the disposal of the waste.'

Viridor's head of local authority contracts Scotland, Steven Don, added: ‘The Clyde Valley partnership is an excellent example of how local authorities can work together to deliver effective waste management and contribute to a circular economy in Scotland.'


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