Senior managers need to be made to feel uncomfortable sometimes

Blair McPherson believes council bosses sometimes need to face honest feedback and experience issues personally if they are going to bring about real change to intractable problems.

I first witnessed the tactic many years ago: a group of articulate parents had managed to get the director and chair of social services to attend a public meeting to explain plans to close their day centre for people with a learning disability and provide alternative support. The parents of these adults with learning disability didn't fight the closure plans but sought reassurances about the alternatives on offer.

Parent after parent stood up to say how much they appreciated the current service, they explained the sacrifices involved in being a carer, the stress this placed on marriages and relationships their fears for the future as their son or daughter grew older. They though the plans sounded great. What they all wanted was assurances that they would continue to get the same support. And once the commitment is made publicly, the politician and director can be held to it.

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