The publication of the devolution White Paper marks a significant turning point for the local government sector in the UK – a scale of reform we haven't seen in a generation. Devolution and reorganisation present both exciting opportunities and complex challenges. As with any major change, the depth and scale of transformation anticipated comes with both excitement and apprehension, particularly regarding its effects on the local government workforce, which is already under pressure in a number of ways.
The transformation outlined in the White Paper will reshape the way local authorities operate, but this shift is likely to create considerable unease among the workforce. As these changes are developed, debated, planned and delivered, it is crucial to consider how they will affect not just the structural dynamics of local government but also the human side of the equation. We know there are already a lot of people nervously contemplating ‘what does this mean for me?'
In theory, these changes will empower local authorities to make decisions that are more closely aligned with the specific needs and priorities of their communities. The anticipated benefits being enhanced local accountability, more tailored public services, and the potential for greater economic growth through localised decision making. Of course, the scope and scale of the organisations created through devolution and those created under Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) means there is already much debate about whether decision making will be more localised or more remote in practice. Time will tell.
In any event, the realities of implementation will undoubtedly present challenges. The transition could cause uncertainty and upheaval, as many workers in local government grapple with new organisational cultures, new responsibilities, different ways of working, and altered power dynamics.
The Kubler-Ross Change Curve outlines five stages of emotional response to change: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. During the devolution process, and potential reorganisation, local government workers are likely to experience the full range of these feelings while battling to keep essential services running, continuing to deliver efficiency measures baked into existing budgets and avoiding disruption to residents.
This emotional journey is a natural part of organisational change but can be deeply unsettling, particularly for individuals whose sense of identity and security is tied to their job.
This sense of identity applies at all levels and is very often the case for those in leadership roles. It is crucial that, as a sector, we recognise the personal impact of leading this type of organisational change. With the Local Government Association (LGA) reporting significant job losses, there is no escape from the fact that many sector leaders will be facing significant personal change, at the same time as leading and supporting staff, colleagues, members and communities through the Change Curve.
The emotional impact of this change will require careful management and strong support structures.
To manage this transition, leaders must find a way to lead with authenticity; to share their apprehension and normalise feelings of uncertainty, at the same time as provide a compelling and positive case for change.
This is no mean feat and will require additional support systems, such as resilience coaching, training, open communication and regular purposeful staff engagement (at times like this, you really can't over-communicate), as well as emotional support, to help workers and leaders alike, move through the Change Curve in a constructive manner. Leaders must act as visionaries, guiding their teams through uncertainty, while ensuring that operational standards are maintained. Leadership must be transparent, empathetic, accountable and committed to retaining effective governance and ethical decision-making.
During periods of transformation, it is easy for the focus to shift entirely to the future and the new systems being introduced. However, keeping the show on the road is going to become an increasingly challenging objective. it is crucial that local councils continue to deliver the day-to-day services that communities rely on. Indeed, senior leaders are already telling us that LGR discussions are all-encompassing and taking up nearly all bandwidth. The ‘business as usual' work of local government cannot be neglected, despite the anticipated disruption coming over the hill.
During our 50 year history at Solace we have witnessed the sector go through numerous reorganisations, dating as far back as the 1970s. The one takeaway from this experience is that no one should feel alone in this process. There are many people within the sector who have been through this process before and it is crucial that we learn from others at this time, drawing on the sector support available, to develop forward strategies and enact careful planning to ensure the immediate needs of the community are met while the sector navigates the long-term transformation needed.
We are working closely with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to understand requirements and lobby on your behalf. Alongside other sector bodies like the LGA, we are here to support you; to convene those people in the sector who have the knowledge and experience that will be helpful to you right now, and to facilitate collaboration across and within regions.
We understand there is an excess of information and perspectives on this subject and that can be overwhelming. The LGA has created a devolution and LGR hub, where you can find the latest information from the MHCLG, as well as other helpful resources, in one place.
Look out for webinars we are hosting alongside the LGA and other organisations to support you on this journey, as well as other guides and resources, to give you the knowledge and confidence to lead your teams and communities through this change.
Jessica Mullinger is director of interim management at Solace in Business