Author Profile

Jessica Mullinger

Articles by Jessica Mullinger

A fresh approach can calm the crisis

By Jessica Mullinger | 01 August 2023

At a time of a recruitment and retention crisis within the sector, Jessica Mullinger says there a...

The learning never stops

By Jessica Mullinger | 25 November 2020

Drawing on feedback from Solace’s recent development programmes and events, Jessica Mullinger ass...

Getting onboard the digital recruitment era

By Jessica Mullinger | 28 July 2020

With office working still a way off for many organisations, how can the induction and settling in...

How to make the most of your career interim

By Jessica Mullinger | 27 November 2019

As the war for talent intensifies, Jessica Mullinger explores the many advantages of hiring a car...

Seeing is believing

By Jessica Mullinger | 11 September 2018

Jessica Mullinger says that despite having more access to information in front of us than ever be...

Cross-sector leadership – the way forward

By Steve Guest | 21 May 2018

Jessica Mullinger and Steve Guest look at the lessons that can be learned from the private and pu...