Supporting the sector

Adele Gritten looks ahead to Local Partnerships' plans for the Local Government Association Conference in Harrogate.

Supporting the sector

In a year of significant political change, I'm delighted that Local Partnerships is participating in the Local Government Association (LGA) Conference in Harrogate, discussing with colleagues how we can help councils achieve their key priorities.  

Whether focusing on meeting net zero targets, managing commercial ventures or addressing homelessness, our team of experts provides the practical support and solutions needed to deliver sustainable results across a huge breadth of issues councils are facing.

Local Partnerships is an in-house public sector consultancy jointly owned by the LGA, HM Treasury and Welsh Government. We help join up the priorities of the local and central government sectors by working solely for councils and combined authorities, central government departments, and the Welsh Government.

We are proud to share our intellectual capital freely with the sector at this year's conference, and beyond. Our experts are featured in a session on each day of the conference.

Huw Russell, along with members of Hart DC will feature in the Innovation Zone in a session called Local Partnerships: Working Together to Reduce GHG Emissions and Hit Net Zero, sharing best practices for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, establishing reporting boundaries, and re-baselining emissions using our free Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool.

Kristy Spindler and Hattie Parke, alongside representitives of the LGA and guest speakers from the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee and ReLondon, will lead an interactive workshop entitled Future Visioning: Rewiring Local Authority Waste Services for a Zero Waste Society, exploring practical ideas for transforming local authority waste services.

Local Partnership's Senior Strategy Director, Jo Wall, speaks on a Toward Net-Zero panel on Thursday to discuss the pivotal role councils can play in leading climate action and how local and central government can collaborate to drive progress.

While our conference presence this year is rightfully climate and environmental impact-related, our trusted team of consultants, advisors and associates also support the local authority ecosystem heavily in transformation, procurement, PFI, housing, infrastructure, place-shaping and regional government reform.

Whether at the LGA conference or thereafter, our team of experts is on hand to discuss how we can support your council in meeting its priorities and objectives.

Adele Gritten is chief executive of Local Partnerships


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