Author Profile

Kathy O'Leary

Articles by Kathy O'Leary

Keeping local government relevant and meaningful

By Kathy O’Leary | 07 May 2024

Following the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, we need to recognise that social capital ma...

Elections show the organisation at its 'one council' best

By Kathy O’Leary | 26 March 2024

Kathy O' Leary says: 'As both pollsters and returning officers would agree, success in elections ...

Spending priorities are for local communities to decide

By Kathy O’Leary | 13 February 2024

What’s the difference between a Thunderbirds puppet and the uplift in the local government financ...

Districts 'think global, act local'

By Kathy O’Leary | 11 December 2023

Stroud's action plan for carbon neutrality includes continuing to put its own house in order but ...

We need diverse teams of decision makers

By Kathy O’Leary | 30 October 2023

Kathy O 'Leary says 'there are people in our workforces and communities who need our advocacy, an...

What's next for regional planning? Discuss

By Kathy O’Leary | 18 September 2023

Nearly two years after submitting its local plan Stroud DC is the latest district to get a letter...

Who would you rather was holding the mirror up to your council?

By Kathy O’Leary | 31 July 2023

The LGA has responded to criticisms of corporate peer challenges by strengthening its offer to pr...

What a wonderful world

By Kathy O’Leary | 19 June 2023

Creative thinking allied with strong team and partnership working underpinned Stroud's emergency ...

The natural place for investment

By Kathy O’Leary | 10 May 2023

Stroud DC's online economic development ‘prospectus’ sets out why the district is ‘The Natural Pl...

Learning from this election round

By Kathy O’Leary | 18 April 2023

Kathy O'Leary asks if there should be greater focus on reducing the potential for postal vote fra...