It's time to tackle the in-tray

Michael Gove has been given a new beefed-up department and strong team with a serious policy background – and he will need it to tackle a tough brief, says Sir Bob Neill.

Of all the announcements that turned heads during the Prime Minister's recent reshuffle, Michael Gove's move from the Cabinet Office to an expanded behemoth of a ministry – the newly-dubbed (but not particularly catchy) Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – perhaps drew the most attention from pundits.

This latest incarnation of the department, and its second rebrand within just four years, sees a beefed-up team of ministers tasked with overseeing not just its core pillars of housing and local government, but also two key tenets of the Prime Minister's pitch to voters: a pledge to tackle regional inequality through the much-discussed programme of levelling up, and a commitment to strengthen the union and protect the integrity of the UK.

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