Cash divide fears over business rates retention

By Heather Jameson | 27 February 2018

Business rates retention could create even bigger divides between the income and needs of local a...


Greens call for council tax and business rates reform

By Dan Peters | 22 February 2018

Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, Patrick Harvie, has called for a replacement of the current s...


Hotel levy talks over Commonwealth Games

By Dan Peters | 16 February 2018

Talks between Birmingham City Council and the Government over how the Commonwealth Games will be ...


Sunak steps up pressure on peer challenge

By Dan Peters | 09 February 2018

New local government minister Rishi Sunak has said Whitehall is 'very keen' that every council ho...


Business rates cannot fund public health, committee told

By Hiba Mahamadi | 06 February 2018

It doesn’t make sense to ease councils’ funding pressures using business rates alone because the ...


Stormont criticised for proposal to cut £20m in rates support

By William Eichler | 30 January 2018

Northern Ireland local authority leaders have criticised an ‘anti-investment’ proposal to cut nea...


Sunak clears confusion on 100% rates retention

By Hiba Mahamadi | 29 January 2018

New local government minister Rishi Sunak has affirmed the Government’s commitment to introducing...


Councils benefit from business rates haul

By Dan Peters | 25 January 2018

Two councils have raked in three times more than they expected after using £125,820 of government...


EXCLUSIVE: Government knew provisional settlement was wrong

By Dan Peters | 23 January 2018

Whitehall officials rushed out the provisional local government finance settlement days before Ch...


Government pacifies rejected pilot bid areas

By Dan Peters | 19 January 2018

The Government has insisted there was nothing wrong with the unsuccessful business rates pilot bi...