New CIPFA president aims to simplify accounts

By Dan Peters | 03 August 2018

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s (CIPFA) new president has said she wa...


No timescale for 100% business rates retention

By Dan Peters | 01 August 2018

The Government has reaffirmed its long-term commitment to 100% business rates retention but ignor...


We can do more with less when we collaborate

By Jill Penn | 24 July 2018

Working better with our partners will further economic growth and enhance the quality of life for...


MHCLG to consider financial sustainability ahead of Spending Review

By Dan Peters | 23 July 2018

Marsham Street will embed its local authority sustainability tool in its preparations for next ye...


A fork in the road to austerity

By Nathan Elvery | 18 July 2018

Could CIPFA’s plans to create a financial resilience index for councils help rescue local governm...


Sunak questions outsourcing model

By Heather Jameson | 17 July 2018

Conservative local government minister Rishi Sunak has questioned the current model of outsourcin...


County chiefs show red to traffic light ratings

By Dan Peters | 16 July 2018

County council chief executives have broken cover to warn that plans for a traffic light-style fi...


Government should have 'performance tracker'

By Heather Jameson | 12 July 2018

Government should have a ‘performance tracker’ to check the impact of its spending decisions, Ins...


Page: Northamptonshire is wake up call

By Heather Jameson | 11 July 2018

Public services are lacking the insight offered by the Audit Commission when it comes to an early...


CIPFA president warns of trust breakdown

By Heather Jameson | 11 July 2018

There has been a ‘universal breakdown in trust’ in public services, the incoming president of the...