John Tizard explains how local authorities can rebuild and transform relations with the voluntary...
The reopening of Croydon's iconic Fairfield Halls after a multi-million pound refurbishment is an...
Local authorities should formally commit to including the neighbourhood in all decision making pr...
How do we create a more integrated society in volatile times? Jo Broadwood outlines what councils...
In Taiwan, revolutionary Government minister Audrey Tang is pioneering online public consultation...
Dudley MBC has embraced the use of its website and social media presence, allowing residents to g...
Changes to how the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) can be used came into effect this month - ...
Donna Hall explains that ‘permanently wiring new power’ into the way the organisation and system ...
The sad demise of Bury FC will hopefully provoke a long overdue debate on how English football is...
Louise Round says districts have received small amounts of cash to help with planning for the imp...
Reporting to the General Counsel, you will be a Deputy Monitoring Officer who will lead and develop democratic services... Apply for this job
Are you passionate about delivering high-quality reablement and support for service users to live independently? Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job
Reporting to the General Counsel, you will be a Deputy Monitoring Officer who will lead and develop democratic services... Apply for this job
Are you passionate about delivering high-quality reablement and support for service users to live independently? Apply for this job
We’ve made a promising start, with the Commissioners’ report last summer recognising our substantial progress. Apply for this job