North-South divide 'is history' says Clark

By Michael Burton | 20 January 2015

Cities minister Greg Clark this week rushed to defend the Government’s regional economic record b...


Cities central

By Jonathan Werran | 19 January 2015

Research issued this week by the Centre for Cities think- tank shows the UK remains split into tw...


North-south growth divide becoming entrenched, think-tank warns

By Jonathan Werran | 19 January 2015

The economic gap between the south of England and the rest of the country has widened in the last...


West Yorkshire still waiting for devolution Christmas present

By Dan Peters | 13 January 2015

West Yorkshire and the Leeds city region are still waiting for a devolution deal that had been ex...


Divided devolution

By Cllr David Finch | 08 December 2014

The Government’s city-centric devolution agenda spells economic oblivion for county areas which a...


Divided devolution

By Sir Merrick Cockell | 04 December 2014

Sir Merrick Cockell says the chancellor's warm words for local government in the Autumn Statement...


What does the Autumn Statement mean for cities?

By Andrew Carter | 01 December 2014

Andrew Carter suggests some of the brave next steps a chancellor should commit to in seeking to b...


Focus on people, places and structures

By Heather Jameson | 25 November 2014

As the agenda for devolution hurtles ahead at a pace for the Core Cities, the agenda for joined-u...


Devolution 'is for life, not just Christmas'

By Michael Burton | 25 November 2014

Leaders of the Core Cities have stepped up their campaign for more devolution by meeting both Bor...


Leading the pack

By Mark Morrin | 24 November 2014

Mike Emmerich and Mark Morrin explain how new powers granted to the Greater Manchester Combined A...


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