We need a more nuanced conversation around trust

By Ben Page | 09 July 2019

Ben Page says that while trust in central Government has fallen in both Britain and the US since ...


It's time for a radical rethink on exit payments

By Ian Miller | 03 July 2019

The Treasury's proposals for a cap on exit payments need a radical rethink - and ministers must ...


Labour report calls for radical tax and planning reforms

By Martin Ford | 04 June 2019

Replacing council tax and business rates are among the radical policies proposed in a report comm...


Scottish councils need more power - think-tank

By Hiba Mahamadi | 28 May 2019

Scottish local government needs a ‘renewal,’ a think tank has urged, with directly elected mayors...


Experts call for revenue-boosting internet tax

By Hiba Mahamadi | 21 May 2019

Green credits and an internet transaction tax could provide valuable new revenue streams for loca...


Business rates relief control call

By Dan Peters | 20 May 2019

District councils have called for full control over the business rates relief that is awarded in ...


Council tax system needs 'fundamental reform'

By Dan Peters | 16 May 2019

The council tax system is ‘highly regressive and unsustainable,’ and needs ‘fundamental reform,’ ...


We need a real debate on local taxes

By Piali Das Gupta | 15 May 2019

Piali Das Gupta argues that we need a more sophisticated balance of local revenue sources for loc...


Press pause on fair funding review

By Heather Jameson | 15 May 2019

Crippled by austerity and uncertainty, councils are financially paralysed and facing failure. Hea...


'Smart bins' and tax cuts could help increase recycling rates - report

By William Eichler | 13 May 2019

Local authorities could use ‘smart bins’ and council tax cuts to help drive up recycling rates in...