The road to normality – but without direction

By Heather Jameson | 22 February 2022

The Prime Minister may have declared a return to normality, but a host of issues remain, says Hea...


Integrated care systems are the ideal way of levelling up

By Rob Webster | 22 February 2022

Rob Webster outlines the scale of the health and social care levelling up challenge in West Yorks...


Senior management workforce warning

By Chris Mahony | 22 February 2022

Councils are increasingly struggling to recruit and retain senior managers due to demographic fac...


There's a story alright, but perhaps not the one you were expecting

By Gill Kneller | 22 February 2022

Where scale and inter organisational efficiency were once the answer, now innovation and place-ba...


Johnson under renewed pressure to scrap National Insurance surcharge

By Michael Burton | 22 February 2022

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under renewed pressure to cancel the NHS and social care National...


Questions over councils' capacity to respond to COVID after Boris announcement

By Martin Ford | 22 February 2022

Doubts have been cast over whether councils will have the resources to respond to future outbreak...


We need a culture change on care

By Deborah Rozansky | 22 February 2022

By focusing on the enablers of integration, the new White Paper offers the scope for accelerating...


EXCLUSIVE: Josephs stonewalled on partygate after Cabinet Office advice

By Dan Peters | 21 February 2022

Sheffield City Council’s absent chief executive Kate Josephs was following Cabinet Office require...


Councils call for local outbreak funding as part of post-COVID strategy

By Laura Sharman | 21 February 2022

Councils have warned they will be forced to stand down public health teams unless the Government ...


Public health directors warn of dangers in ending COVID-19 testing

By Martin Ford | 17 February 2022

The Government is reportedly looking at scrapping free tests as part of its national post-COVID p...