Putting young people at the centre of today's and tomorrow's care

By Richard Betts | 10 September 2019

Richard Betts discusses how local authorities are transforming data and information flow through ...


Ticket to independence in Lancashire

By Louise Taylor | 04 September 2019

Helping adults with physical disabilities and those over 65 stay healthy and independent for long...


Councils owe it to citizens to investigate the possibilities of public cloud

By Ian Sherring | 29 August 2019

Public cloud can help councils provide better, smarter and more efficient public services and is ...


Transforming public services

By Pat Ritchie | 20 August 2019

The decision five years ago to wind up Whitehall’s Transformation Unit resulted in a loss of capa...


Harnessing the best of the West

By John Cooper | 17 July 2019

Ann McGauran reports on the launch of Metro Dynamics’ report making the case for the creation of ...


ADCS conference: Whitehall officials concede new model's limitations

By Dan Peters | 06 July 2019

A new model that will assess the distribution of funding for children’s services will have its li...


Data quality concerns to come under spotlight

By Dan Peters | 24 June 2019

Finance directors are to look closely at the information the Ministry of Housing, Communities and...


Time to get the house in order

By Trevor Hampton | 24 June 2019

Trevor Hampton outlines why data needs to be part of your organisational DNA if you want to be re...


Enabling a single version of the truth

By Samantha Fitzgerald | 18 June 2019

Samantha Fitzgerald describes how Northamptonshire’s real time health and social care capacity to...


Big data, big opportunity

By Dr Andrew Larner | 05 June 2019

Dr Andrew Larner says it would be impossible for councils to ignore the increasing wave of big da...