How to bring location to life

28 May 2019

GeoPlace is a a partnership between the Local Government Association and Ordnance Survey to produ...


Fair funding review 'credibility' warning

By Dan Peters | 24 May 2019

The fair funding review could ‘lack credibility’ unless the Government steps up efforts to gather...


Data demand over settled status bids

By Dan Peters | 18 April 2019

Councils have refused to give up after their request to access Home Office data on application ra...


Newham fined over gangs data breach

By Martin Ford | 05 April 2019

A fine of £145,000 has been imposed on Newham LBC after information about gang members fell into ...


Report calls for outsourcing reform - but warns against ban

By Martin Ford | 28 March 2019

Government needs private firms and charities to deliver public services but should improve the ru...


Councils told to seek no-deal Brexit legal advice

By Naomi Larsson | 22 March 2019

Local authorities will have to seek their own legal advice on how to handle personal data in the ...


Breaking down the barriers to action

By Michelle Eaton | 16 January 2019

Offices of Data Analytics are changing the way public sector organisations, including councils, w...


Work to begin on new planning register

By Naomi Larsson | 14 January 2019

Work is being started on a new project to bring together data on planning applications from all c...


Future Forum North: 'We're wasting data'

By Dan Peters | 07 December 2018

A rallying cry has been made for councils to make use of the reams of available untapped data.


Embedding wellbeing in Northern Ireland

By Lauren Pennycook | 28 November 2018

Carnegie UK Trust is working with three community planning partnerships to help them address the ...