Porter: Rates retention will end in tears

By Dan Peters | 05 January 2017

The move to 100% business rates retention will ‘end in tears,’ the chairman of the Local Governme...


Javid announces £7bn affordable housing fund

By Laura Sharman | 05 January 2017

The communities secretary has announced that housing providers will now be able to apply for a sh...


Regenerating rundown communities

By Colin Crooks | 03 January 2017

The Government's plan to invest in rundown estates provides a prime opportunity for councils to i...


PAC: Government overstated Troubled Families effectiveness

By William Eichler | 20 December 2016

The Government has ‘overstated’ the effectiveness of its Troubled Families programme and been ‘ev...


MPs raise concerns over devolution

By William Eichler | 19 December 2016

The Government has failed to clearly define its objectives for devolution in England and must imp...


Rebel councils stand firm in face of DCLG crackdown

By James Evison | 16 December 2016

Three rebel local authorities flouting the Department for Communities and Local Government’s (DCL...


'Whitehall's failure to end trusts' charity claims wastes cash and harms health'

By Sam Clayden | 13 December 2016

Ministers’ failure to end a long-running legal dispute between NHS trusts and councils is wasting...


DCs pitched into responding to county unitary bids

By Dan Peters | 13 December 2016

District councils have been pushed into responding to a wave of county unitary bids as communitie...


Councils upbeat about defeating trusts' demands for rates relief

By Sam Clayden | 06 December 2016

Councils are quietly confident of defeating NHS trusts’ claim for mandatory business rates relief...


LGPS cash management commences

By James Evison | 06 December 2016

Pooling of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) has formally begun ahead of the April 2018 ...


Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

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North Northamptonshire Council


Head of Parking Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Head of Highways and Traffic Services


Premium jobThis is a key leadership role shaping the services in this arena ensuring Croydon is fit for the future. Apply for this job

Croydon Council

Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

Do you want deliver highway and transport infrastructure and services to North Northamptonshire? Apply for this job

North Northamptonshire Council