Voter ID law 'poisoned cure,' say MPs

By William Eichler | 12 September 2023

The voter ID rule that was brought in an attempt to tackle electoral fraud in the 2023 local elec...


Is Gove getting his houses in order?

By Duncan Flynn | 11 September 2023

Changes to the rules on nutrient neutrality may be a welcome boost for the housing sector, says D...


Six ways to lead people in a changing political environment

By Gordon McFarlane | 11 September 2023

Gordon McFarlane sets out an approach to help council workforces build the skills needed to navig...


Beware the allure of fiscal freedoms

By Charlotte Alldritt | 11 September 2023

Without boosting local government, plans for financial devolution at a time of such national econ...


Predictable shock stories...but where is the vision?

By Heather Jameson | 06 September 2023

Birmingham's s114 notice was expected but that didn't make it less eye-popping, says Heather Jame...


Shocked… but not surprised

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 September 2023

Dr Jonathan Carr-West remains shocked at the state of local government finance, but it is no long...


Rayner takes levelling up role as Starmer shuffles his pack

By Mark Conrad | 04 September 2023

Labour leader Keir Starmer has appointed his deputy Angela Rayner as the party’s new shadow level...


South East Councils to consider devolution of vehicle excise duty

By Dan Peters | 01 September 2023

The devolution of vehicle excise duty (VED) will be among the options expected to be considered b...


The reality of council finances remain: the system is broken

By Heather Jameson | 16 August 2023

What is surprising is the IFS report which concluded that council funding is broken was commissio...


Political swing points to partnership working

By Justin Galliford | 15 August 2023

Justin Galliford, Chief Executive Officer of Norse Group, considers the implications of the recen...


Corporate Investigation Officer RBKC618350

£41,967 - £50,088 per annum

Three local authorities, one aim: to prevent and overcome fraud. Apply for this job

The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Council

Service Manager (Child Care Law)

£54,986 - £58,701 (includes a 10% market supplement, reviewed annually and paid monthly)

Do you have successful relevant management experience in a local authority setting? Apply for this job

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Service Manager (Adult Care Law)

£54,986 - £58,701 (includes a 10% market supplement, reviewed annually and paid monthly)

Do you have successful relevant management experience in a local authority setting? Apply for this job

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council


Corporate Investigation Officer RBKC618350

£41,967 - £50,088 per annum

Three local authorities, one aim: to prevent and overcome fraud. Apply for this job

The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Council

Service Manager (Child Care Law)

£54,986 - £58,701 (includes a 10% market supplement, reviewed annually and paid monthly)

Do you have successful relevant management experience in a local authority setting? Apply for this job

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Service Manager (Adult Care Law)

£54,986 - £58,701 (includes a 10% market supplement, reviewed annually and paid monthly)

Do you have successful relevant management experience in a local authority setting? Apply for this job

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council