Local authorities should be focusing on building better communities and delivering great services...
Classic novels' warnings of the abuse of money and power are as relevant now as when they were fi...
Tracie Langley says she is 'glad my final budget has made it over the line with the general fund ...
As opportunities to make efficiencies become more scarce, joining up service offers across the pu...
Improving productivity everywhere involves optimising resource use to deliver better outcomes for...
As construction costs remain high efforts to improve the speed of decison-making and staff proces...
We haven’t even closed down the 2023-24 accounts yet and we are already starting to plan our 2025...
Tracie Langley looks at how a renewed focus on productivity and ‘flow’ methodologies can help mak...
Local government is an amazing place to work, says Tracie Langley. 'We do some brilliant things w...
Instead of waiting until it’s too late, Cornwall Council has stood up the senior officer Financia...
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