Councils facing financial woes have been told to scale back council tax rises, just weeks before ...
Katherine Merrifield says that while the Devolution White Paper and the funding settlement set ou...
Trade unions have jointly submitted a pay claim for all council employees to receive a wage rise ...
Questions have been raised over whether the Government’s approach to local government reorganisat...
The Electoral Commission is pushing ahead with two surveys for returning officers about May's pol...
A unitary council that is less than two years old is seeking exceptional financial support from G...
Professor Catherine Staite and Andrew Muter examine the risks that lead to failures within local ...
A Hollywood actor's eloquent court argument about why he shouldn't have to pay council tax may ra...
In her last Money Matters column ahead of taking up the role of chief executive at Essex CC Nicol...
HMRC has said it does not hold data on employers National Insurance Contribution (NIC) payments r...
Herefordshire Council is a financially stable, well-run unitary council in one of England's most beautiful counties. Apply for this job
There has never been a more exciting time to work at Tower Hamlets Council. Apply for this job
Our thriving visitor economy, major cruise and container port and airport, firmly position us as a city of opportunity and growth. Apply for this job
Herefordshire Council is a financially stable, well-run unitary council in one of England's most beautiful counties. Apply for this job
There has never been a more exciting time to work at Tower Hamlets Council. Apply for this job
Our thriving visitor economy, major cruise and container port and airport, firmly position us as a city of opportunity and growth. Apply for this job