'Forward view' on elderly care

By Andrew Kaye | 05 August 2015

The Government’s new strategy for the care of older people can’t come soon enough, writes Andrew ...


The money makers

By Dan Peters | 22 July 2015

Dan Peters reports on the results of a joint The MJ, LGN and Localis study in which local authori...


Ministers strike a new tone at the LGA conference

By Michael Burton | 08 July 2015

Michael Burton on how the ministerial tone has changed since the election.


Leaders plan to create 'most effective' combined authority

By Heather Jameson | 06 July 2015

Leaders from the West Midlands have published their plans to tackle infrastructure, economic grow...


NHB's future under scrutiny by DCLG

By Dan Peters | 01 July 2015

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is actively looking at the future of t...


Over-50 shades of grey

By David Walker | 24 June 2015

David Walker raises the debate over the fiscal sustainability of the growing ageing workforce, an...


Devo will be delivered at 'different pace and scale'

By Dan Peters | 09 June 2015

The Government will deliver devolution at a ‘different pace and scale of ambition’ now it has a c...


First past the post is 'bust' voting system, campaigners warn

By Mark Conrad | 01 June 2015

Britain’s ‘divisive and disproportionate’ voting system is contributing to the break-up of the un...


Queen's Speech 2015: Government strike clampdown

By Laura Sharman | 27 May 2015

The Conservatives have pledged to ‘protect essential public services against strikes’, using the ...


Early 2015 boost for local government outsourcing

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 May 2015

Pre-election jitters have failed to damped the local government outsourcing market, which now rep...


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Senior Finance Business Partner

£55,056 - £61,824 plus benefits and relocation support

Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority

Divisional Director of Adult Social Care -Transformation and Commissioning

£113,417 to £115,863

This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job

Torbay Council

Chief Executive

£186,000 - £221,000

Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job

Enfield London Borough Council