Devo will be delivered at 'different pace and scale'

By Dan Peters | 09 June 2015

The Government will deliver devolution at a ‘different pace and scale of ambition’ now it has a c...


Clark 'to clarify plans' for urban devo deals

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 June 2015

Greg Clark has been asked to clarify what the Government plans to offer urban communities for pos...


Northern Powerhouse minister role sends positive signal for devo

By Jonathan Werran | 27 May 2015

The appointment of a Northern Powerhouse minister is a ‘positive signal’ the Government ‘takes se...


'Next devo deal' to come from Brum

By Dan Peters | 27 May 2015

Birmingham City Council’s chief executive has told The MJ he is keen for the West Midlands to str...


Councils annoyed by data demands

By MJ reporter | 27 May 2015

Gaps in information are emerging at the Department for Communities and Local Government after fo...


Clark: Government will go further to rebalance economy

By Dan Peters | 26 May 2015

Communities and local government secretary Greg Clark has pledged the Government will ‘go much fu...


Pickles to be given knighthood

By Dan Peters | 22 May 2015

The communities secretary for the duration of the last parliament, Eric Pickles, is to be given a...


Clark: Full steam ahead on devolution

By Heather Jameson | 20 May 2015

It is ‘full steam ahead’ on devolution, the new communities and local government secretary, Greg ...


Early Clark optimism dampened by Osborne's mayoral drive

By Heather Jameson | 20 May 2015

Despite the widely held belief that Greg Clark’s appointment as communities secretary would heral...


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