Nicholas Dobson takes literary inspiration as a starting point to unravel whether a local authori...
Claire Fox takes aim at local authorities for their zealous and bizarre use of Public Space Prote...
Overcoming restrictive public sector procurement rules to successfully partner with voluntary and...
Payments under the Care Act could be hit by delays unless councils wake up to the ‘big IT implica...
These days no major change programme can be effectively implemented without supportive informatio...
Adele Taylor higlights the important role the Social Value Act has to play in transforming servic...
Councils are unlikely to be able to meet a new obligation to reach out to people experiencing iso...
There’s some muscular localism at the heart of the suggested revisions to Best Value Statutory Gu...
If the Conservatives gain an overall majority, the stage is set for a battle royal between Unite ...
Warnings that the Care Act needs more funding for it to be a success have continued to be made as...
we are seeking a Head of Strategic Property to lead and innovatively manage our service and portfolio. Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
we are seeking a Head of Strategic Property to lead and innovatively manage our service and portfolio. Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job
Transport is one of the key pillars of our devolution deal and a key priority for us Apply for this job