EXCLUSIVE: Miliband's devolution pledge

By Jonathan Werran | 28 April 2015

Labour leader tells The MJ ‘the biggest devolution to English regions’ is at the forefront of th...


Fin de siecle blues

By Abdool Kara | 28 April 2015

Abdool Kara reflects on what he views as a malicious flurry of arbitrary official diktats issued ...


Time to take charge

27 April 2015

Achieving national economic growth requires more local infrastructure powers, argues Richard Dawson.


Three steps to popular politics

By Cllr David Sparks | 22 April 2015

The devolution journey will act as the catalyst for a resurgence in democratic renewal, argues Da...


Are you ready to implement the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015?

By Cecilie Booth | 17 April 2015

Cecile Booth examines the practical implications for local authorities of implementing the Self-B...


What is an officer?

By Nicholas Dobson | 14 April 2015

Nicholas Dobson takes literary inspiration as a starting point to unravel whether a local authori...


A waste of space

By Claire Fox | 14 April 2015

Claire Fox takes aim at local authorities for their zealous and bizarre use of Public Space Prote...


Freedom of choice?

By Dan Corry | 09 April 2015

Overcoming restrictive public sector procurement rules to successfully partner with voluntary and...


EXCLUSIVE: IT systems 'not ready for capped care cost reforms'

By Dan Peters | 09 April 2015

Payments under the Care Act could be hit by delays unless councils wake up to the ‘big IT implica...


Care Act in 2016 will be a challenge

By Richard Pantlin | 09 April 2015

These days no major change programme can be effectively implemented without supportive informatio...


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Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job

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Divisional Director of Adult Social Care -Transformation and Commissioning

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This role will be working with the statutory DASS role and the Divisional Director of Adult Social Care. Apply for this job

Torbay Council

Chief Executive

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Enfield Council is looking for an exceptional Chief Executive to lead one of London’s most dynamic and diverse boroughs. Apply for this job

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