Author Profile

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers is chief executive of Birmingham City Council and chair of SOLACE

Articles by Mark Rogers

Tackling familial sexual abuse needs a sustained approach

By Mark Rogers | 11 February 2020

Dealing with child sexual abuse in the family environment calls for informed, committed and resou...

Providing purpose and hope

By Mark Rogers | 09 October 2019

On the eve of the Solace Summit, Mark Rogers sets out how the Care Leaver Covenant is working wit...

To the power of four

By Mark Rogers | 12 October 2017

As part of the second installment of children's services essays collated by iMPOWER, Mark Rogers ...

An uncomfortable truth

By Mark Rogers | 04 August 2017

Mark Rogers says the sector is not regulating itself properly and offers a suggestion for a revam...

What do voters want?

By Mark Rogers | 12 July 2017

As the dust settles on the recent election results – and with more people seemingly turning up to...

The sector must be heard

By Mark Rogers | 26 April 2017

Mark Rogers says campaigning in the run-up to June’s General Election and the ongoing Brexit proc...

There's no place like home

By Mark Rogers | 14 February 2017

Mark Rogers welcomes the housing white paper but hopes it will be bold enough to support the wide...

Reimagining health and social care

By Mark Rogers | 10 January 2017

Prevention, innovation and integration have been touted as the route to relieving social care pre...

The road to recovery

By Mark Rogers | 29 November 2016

The recent Ofsted report into Birmingham City Council’s children’s services may have highlighted ...

Shaping the Autumn Statement wishlist

By Mark Rogers | 26 October 2016

Mark Rogers explains what the chancellor needs to deliver for local government in next month's Au...