Triple on-the-spot littering fines, think-tank urges

Triple on-the-spot littering fines, think-tank urges

By William Eichler | 23 January 2023

A think-tank has called for a ‘revitalised’ litter strategy, including tripling the level of fines and ranking councils on enforcement of anti-littering laws.


Think-tank urges litter and fly-tipping crackdown

By Mark Conrad | 07 November 2022

Councils should be required to use outsourced firms if they fail to enforce litter and fly-tippin...


Using the Tek It Ome message in Sheffield

By Rosie Choppin | 09 August 2022

Rosie Choppin describes how Sheffield City Council is using local language to promote behaviour c...


Minister tells councils not to depend on fine income

By Dan Peters | 20 June 2022

Councils should not be depending on income from litter fines when drawing up their future budgets...


No messing

06 July 2020

We’re all used to polite campaigns calling for an end to rubbish excuses for littering and encour...


'Smart bins' and tax cuts could help increase recycling rates - report

By William Eichler | 13 May 2019

Local authorities could use ‘smart bins’ and council tax cuts to help drive up recycling rates in...


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