Cock-up or conspiracy: the impact of the General Election

By Jonathan Carr-West | 24 April 2017

Jonathan Carr-West looks at the possible implications June's General Election could have on the l...


Business rates retention future 'unclear'

By Mark Conrad | 24 April 2017

A think-tank has questioned whether plans for 100% business rates retention will make it back ont...


General Election halts Christchurch's referendum on shake-up

By Laura Sharman | 20 April 2017

Plans to hold a referendum on local government reorganisation in Christchurch will be delayed fol...


4 Wheel Drive Woman on . . . the General Election

20 April 2017

No Tarquin, a snap election doesn’t mean it is exactly the same as last time.


UC rollout: pause needed

By Dan Peters | 20 April 2017

Councils have called for a ‘longer pause’ in the rollout of Universal Credit amid the emergence o...


Election casts doubt on 100% retention plan

By Mark Conrad | 19 April 2017

Plans to roll out 100% business rates retention from April 2019 have been thrown into the air by ...


Local democracy 'needs to be revitalised'

By William Eichler | 18 April 2017

A think-tank has published a blueprint for a complete overhaul of local governance in Scotland.


The foundation for a new people-centric outlook

By John Tizard | 11 April 2017

Reviewing a book, John Tizard explains why public services cannot be modelled on the business sec...


Hands up for greater tenant participation

By Calum Davidson | 11 April 2017

Calum Davidson explains why tenant participation should be higher on chief executives’ agendas an...


Health devo put on hold but not dropped

By Heather Jameson | 11 April 2017

Plans for further health devolution in London have been put back again, but not been dropped, acc...