It’s the penultimate challenge for the contestants of this year’s Local Government Challenge. The...
The Local Government Association has officially cancelled its annual conference after Prime Minis...
The Local Government Association (LGA) will decide whether to axe its annual conference ‘in the c...
Cairistine Foster-Cannan explains how the East of England Local Government Association’s Talent B...
‘Too many’ councils are failing to engage with telecoms giant BT as it works to switch customers ...
Baroness Sharon Taylor looks at how to negotiate the barriers facing councils aiming to revitalis...
Cllr Abi Brown highlights the range of support services offered by the Local Government Associati...
We need all parties to end the politicisation of adult social care, put the national interest fir...
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act finally made it into the statute book, but a raft of big ti...
West Berkshire Council has been urged to focus on the management layer below its corporate leader...
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We are seeking a driven and dynamic Senior Commercial Manager to join our senior management team at North Yorkshire Council. Apply for this job
One of the biggest unitary councils in the country, and the largest economy in the North-East... Apply for this job
Do you want to play a central role in delivering an ambitious programme of regeneration projects? Apply for this job
We are seeking a driven and dynamic Senior Commercial Manager to join our senior management team at North Yorkshire Council. Apply for this job
One of the biggest unitary councils in the country, and the largest economy in the North-East... Apply for this job