Bristol mayor pushes for Greater Western combined authority

By Jonathan Werran | 11 November 2014

Directly elected Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson, has called on local leaders in Bristol and Bath ...


City deal me in

By Cllr Phil Davies | 10 November 2014

Combined authorities want a front seat in devolution debate, explains Cllr Phil Davies, chair of...


LEP gives go-ahead to 7,000 apprenticeships

By Jamie Hailstone | 04 November 2014

The London Enterprise Panel (LEP) has approved a £70m package of measures by London boroughs to c...


East Midlands joins devolution calls

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 November 2014

Local authorities in the East Midlands have called for greater powers from Whitehall as the devol...


Government hopes Manchester will be 'first of many' after devolution deal

By Dan Peters | 03 November 2014

The Government has said it hopes Manchester will be the first of many cities to win greater devol...


Osborne plans 'metro mayor' for Greater Manchester

By Jonathan Werran | 31 October 2014

Chancellor George Osborne is set to foist a ‘metro mayor’ on Greater Manchester in return for gre...


LGA: Social workers should be respected like doctors

By Dan Peters | 29 October 2014

The Government needs to invest in social work career development so the profession achieves the s...


Town hall chiefs call for devolved training

By MJ reporter | 28 October 2014

Town hall chiefs have renewed calls for the devolution of education, skills and training programm...


Manchester leader condems BIS as barrier to devolution

By Dan Peters | 28 October 2014

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has come under fire from a leading advoc...


Ofsted consults on schools' inspections shake-up

By Jonathan Werran | 10 October 2014

Education regulators Ofsted have put out for consultation proposals to conduct shorter but more f...


Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

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Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

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Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

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Chief Digital and Information Officer

£88,679 to £103,255

Now is a great time to look at joining Reading. Apply for this job

Reading Borough Council

Executive Director, Operations

£97,601 per annum

Ashfield is thriving. We are proud of our district and our ambition is to be ‘great’ across all our services. Apply for this job

Ashfield District Council

Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer)


Rochdale Borough Council is looking for a pioneering, passionate and proud Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Coroners (Monitoring Officer). Apply for this job

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