LGA: Social workers should be respected like doctors

By Dan Peters | 29 October 2014

The Government needs to invest in social work career development so the profession achieves the s...


ADASS president: Care Act needs enough funding to achieve aspirations

By Dan Peters | 29 October 2014

The Care Act needs ‘sufficient funding’ to achieve its aspirations, the president of the Associat...


Social care heads warned to prepare for Care Act demands

By MJ reporter | 28 October 2014

Social care managers should fully understand their new legal duties under the Care Act and prepar...


15-minute care visits labelled inappropriate

By MJ reporter | 28 October 2014

Campaigners have welcomed new government guidelines, which state that 15-minute care visits are i...


A lot more still needs to be done

By Bill Upton | 28 October 2014

The Five Year Forward View released last week provides a well-argued insight into Simon Stevens’ ...


NCAS 2014: Councils issue social care funding warning

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 October 2014

Councils will face a £4.3bn funding black hole by the end of the decade, according to town hall c...


Just who is watching the vulnerable?

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 27 October 2014

Different parts of the health and social care system remain too focused on what is and isn’t thei...


Developing integration

By Professor Graeme Betts | 27 October 2014

Adam Fineberg and Graeme Betts outline the steps councils need to take in order to drive a cohere...


It's decision time

By David Pearson | 27 October 2014

David Pearson outlines the key challenges for health and social care that will be tackled at the ...


Burnham should get second opinion on care prescription

By Craig Dearden-Phillips | 27 October 2014

Craig Dearden-Phillips critiques Andy Burnham's proposals for a new National Health and Care Serv...


Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Finance

£57,615 - £63,024 per annum

Hyndburn is a great place to work, and the role comes with a great benefits package Apply for this job

Hyndburn Borough Council


Director of Children & Young People

£120,000 - £130,000

St Helens is a modernising Council which is passionate and ambitious for the children and families we support. Apply for this job

St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Commercial and Contracts

Grade J, SCP48-51 (£58,327 - £61,853) per annum

With a large housing stock of c.28,000, Sandwell Council has a very strong commitment to improving the quality of existing stock Apply for this job

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Head of Finance

£57,615 - £63,024 per annum

Hyndburn is a great place to work, and the role comes with a great benefits package Apply for this job

Hyndburn Borough Council