Dr Carolyn Wilkins outlines Oldham MBC’s journey to further health and social care integration an...
A new commission calling for the devolution of health and social care services has been launched.
Spending on culture and leisure, economic development, and roads all fell by around a quarter las...
The Edge of Care programme is breaking the cycle of children and young people becoming looked-aft...
The ‘very real problems’ facing social care employers should be addressed through sustainable fun...
A row broke out between ministers and the Local Government Association (LGA) after it modelled th...
Having a clear view about the outcomes sought is key to drawing up a new plan for social care - a...
Children in Middlesbrough are being left at risk for too long because of failures in practice and...
Joanne Roney says that while addressing past failures is ‘very necessary’, we must not lose sight...
Ofsted’s chief has warned of ‘blind spots’ in the children’s services inspection system that coul...
Together we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
Together, we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job
Together we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
Together, we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job