Birmingham fearing welfare crisis if UC rollout continues

By Mark Conrad | 18 October 2017

Britain’s biggest local authority claims it faces a homelessness and debt crisis if ministers plo...


Committee chair claims minister ignoring Universal Credit concerns

By Mark Conrad | 17 October 2017

A senior MP has warned Whitehall may be withholding ‘bad news’ in order to present the ‘mega refo...


UC: This is what we're doing, now DWP must respond

By Jo Miller | 10 October 2017

Jo Miller outlines the sector's gripes with the rollout of universal credit, and outlines some of...


Authorities 'are vital port of call for advice about UC'

By Mark Conrad | 10 October 2017

Universal Credit (UC) recipients who seek advice on managing their money are more likely to turn ...


Gauke: Universal Credit rollout going to plan

By Mark Conrad | 10 October 2017

Work and pensions secretary David Gauke has told MPs that the rollout of Universal Credit (UC) is...


Burnham adds to Universal Credit pause calls

By Dan Peters | 09 October 2017

Greater Manchester’s estimated 400 rough sleepers could at least double if the Government fails t...


Financial fears grow in face of UC rollout

By Mark Conrad | 04 October 2017

Pressure was this week piled on ministers as they vowed to push ahead with the troubled Universal...


4 wheel drive woman on . . . Universal Credit

04 October 2017

No Tarquin, you can’t possibly have more money for sweets.


Ploughing ahead with Universal Credit is not a sign of strength

By Heather Jameson | 04 October 2017

While attention since the Conservative conference has been targeted at Theresa May's coughing, th...


Government to press ahead with Universal Credit despite growing criticism

By Dan Peters | 02 October 2017

Work and pensions secretary, David Gauke, has committed to pressing ahead with Universal Credit d...


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