Think tank calls for £100bn investment in the North's nature

The Government has been urged by a think tank to invest up to £100bn over the next 25 years to create a plan for nature in the North of England.

The Government has been urged by a think tank to invest up to £100bn over the next 25 years to create a plan for nature in the North of England.

In a new report, IPPR North is calling for substantial, long-term funding for nature in the North, led by the regions local leaders.

It argues that a lack of funding for the natural environment is a 'political failure'.

r the natural environment is a 'political failure'.

The report states: 'Reversing the underinvestment and under-valuation of nature will increase the resilience of the Northern economy. Not only that, but strategic investment in nature represents a substantial opportunity to develop a fair, green, zero-carbon Northern economy.

'This is made more urgent by the likely impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic – efforts to repair and rebuild the North's economy during and after coronavirus should make the most of the opportunities that investment in nature can bring.

'We need a pan-regional effort, led by the North's leaders, to join up and coordinate local efforts to build environmental resilience, and to set out a strategic Plan for Nature, that will make an unanswerable case for new powers and funds from Westminster.'


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