Why I back the New Homes Bonus

By David Parsons | 29 September 2011

David Parsons says the New Homes Bonus is a great idea.


In search of a fair pension scheme

By Merrick Cockell | 29 September 2011

Local Government Pension Scheme is in need of reform and is currently a big discussion topic betw...

How to find what works in government

By Dan Corry | 29 September 2011

The search for ‘holy grail’ of what makes things work in some places but not always in another is...

How the parties treat the lessons of the riots

By Paul Wheeler | 28 September 2011

Paul Wheeler considers how parties during the conference season will look at the August riots.


What hope for mutuals in bidding for contracts?

By Stephen Bubb | 27 September 2011

In the light of a recent big health contract win by a private sector provider, Sir Stephen Bubb a...

Here today -and here tomorrow

By Michael Burton | 21 September 2011

Michael Burton looks at how local government's role and services influence far outweigh its publi...


Strategic Commissioning Manager

£49,764 - £52,805

Directorate - Adult Care, Housing & Public Health Apply for this job

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Chief Executive

Circa. £230,000

In Camden, we’ve got a proud history of standing up to injustice and tackling inequality together. Apply for this job

Camden London Borough Council

Executive Director of Resources

£139,185 - £148,810

Action today for a brighter tomorrow Apply for this job

South Gloucestershire Council


Strategic Commissioning Manager

£49,764 - £52,805

Directorate - Adult Care, Housing & Public Health Apply for this job

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Chief Executive

Circa. £230,000

In Camden, we’ve got a proud history of standing up to injustice and tackling inequality together. Apply for this job

Camden London Borough Council

Executive Director of Resources

£139,185 - £148,810

Action today for a brighter tomorrow Apply for this job

South Gloucestershire Council