VIDEO: Game of cuts

Right now, the hottest television show in the world is the ‘swords and sorcery’ epic Game of Thrones, which is basically ‘Long’ of the Rings with a few more naughty bits thrown in for good measure.

Right now, the hottest television show in the world is the ‘swords and sorcery' epic Game of Thrones, which is basically ‘Long' of the Rings with a few more naughty bits thrown in for good measure.

Based on the novels of George RR Martin, the HBO series has inspired countless spoofs and parodies – the latest of which has been brought to us by the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (SIGOMA).

Entitled Game of Cuts – Winter Is Coming For Councils, it features a plethora of medieval types discussing whether the impact of spending cuts on the seven regions of the kingdom.

The video is unlikely to win any awards for subtlety and there is a discernable lack of dragons (and Wilko Johnson for that matter), it does contain some authentic Game of Thrones-esque dialogue about the kingdoms, suffering and local authority spending.

Diary would now like to throw the (medieval) gauntlet down and see if any other local authority groups would like to catch the television zeitgeist.

How about a council-inspired version of Better Call Saul, or The Walking Dead?