Westminster proposes 'voluntary' council tax scheme

Westminster City Council has proposed to freeze council tax and instead invite those in the most expensive properties to pay a voluntary contribution after a consultation found ‘strong support’ for the idea.

Westminster City Council has proposed to freeze council tax and instead invite those in the most expensive properties to pay a voluntary contribution after a consultation found ‘strong support' for the idea.

The council will ask residents in the most expensive properties if they will consider voluntarily paying double the amount they would normally contribute to Westminster's share of the council tax.

For 2018/19 this is £833 for Band H properties, which excludes the Greater London Authority element. 

The proposal will be put to a full meeting of the council after a survey of residents in the highest council tax band was carried out in December.

More than 400 out of 904 respondents responded positively.

Council leader Nickie Aiken said this reflected the ‘kind and generous spirit of Westminster residents'.

The cash will go towards youth clubs, helping the homeless and tackling loneliness.

Cllr Aiken said: ‘We remain determined to help those on lowest incomes by freezing their council tax.

'We are proud of having the lowest council tax in the country while maintaining high quality services.

‘The law does not allow us to raise council tax for just one band.

‘The voluntary Westminster community contribution offers a fair way for those who want to contribute more to do so.'


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