Claire Fox considers the dilemma over HS2 of whether to go for progress of protect the interests ...
Become a council which fosters 'a culture of open, mature debate'. That's Claire Fox's suggestio...
It is important for all councils to consider carefully how they react to the Jimmy Savile scandal...
Why are the LGA annoyed at a policy which is proposing to reduce council workloads and build much...
Sport seems to have been relegated to second place in the London Olympics debate, says Claire Fox.
Claire Fox ponders the dichotomy of openness in a world which restricts free speech on blogs, whi...
The MJ's very own wild child, Claire Fox, laments the loss of anti-social behaviour orders...
Claire Fox presents some sober facts which do not accord with the UK's supposed culture of excess...
Hyperbole from critics of the Government's welfare-to-work programme has been disproportionate, s...
Focus on bankers' bonuses merely avoids the fact that the real problem is not them but the state ...
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