The Local Government Association has pledged to fix some of the major problems facing the country...
Councils have pledged to build half a million new homes by the end of the decade in a bid to tack...
Suddenly it seems all the political heavyweights have had an epiphany about devolution.
Scotland will not be able to make a ‘truly informed’ decision on the independence referendum beca...
More than 80% of MP’s believe business rates are ‘not fit for purpose and in need of fundamental ...
If mayors are what it takes to get the Government to take cities seriously, to devolve powers and...
Cities should have greater control over their local infrastructure, education and training in a b...
When the transformation agenda first began, councils were pushed to re-think how they worked in o...
Communities secretary Eric Pickles has demanded communications guidance for parish councillors be...
In its final fraud report before its abolition of the Audit Commission, the watchdog has warned t...
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