The local government 'arms race' is on, if our mayoral experts are to be believed.
Graham Burgess tells Heather Jameson about the impact on cross-public sector working.
Adult social care budgets have been cut by £1bn in the past year, and face a further £1bn of cuts...
It is rare for local government to be the focus of a local government election campaign. But, oh ...
The riot panel, released their final report on the disturbances of August 2011.Darra Singh shares...
The countdown to the local elections has begun, with two of the three major parties launching the...
Labour leader Ed Miliband kicked off his party's bid to win more seats in local government this m...
Many years ago, I interviewed the Liverpool councillor and chair of the police commission into th...
At the National Association of Local Councillors conference,Cllr Rod Bluh told delegates what is ...
When is the right time to jump on a bandwagon? Are you an authority that wants to be ahead of the...
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