Adult social services directors have welcomed the Government's ten-year strategy for sharing heal...
Heather Jameson looks at how the push for directly elected mayors has become something of an unmi...
Manchester has been at the forefront of regeneration in the UK, Heather Jameson meets the city's ...
The LGA has published its prospectus to represent the new police and crime commissioners when the...
County councils are facing a significant new blow to their budgets, after it emerged they will co...
By now, local government should be used to being beaten up and having its school dinner money nic...
Local government faces a potential 'double whammy' of costs when public health staff are transfer...
Nottinghamshire CC has announced it will be one of the first councils to return to the old commit...
A government taskforce has been set up to stop the scourge of 'beds in sheds'.
Watching the London Marathon this weekend was a bit like observing local government budget setting.
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