Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has announced a further pay squeeze for public sector ...
Lewes DC chief executive Jenny Rowlands has seen it all - but she seems to be taking it all in h...
Former Labour local government minister, John Healey, has accused the Government of a political '...
It's hard to work in a political environment without being caught up in the politics every now an...
Nine out of 10 councils are well prepared for their cuts and will balance their books, figures pu...
Good news from the Audit Commission that 90% of councils have met, head-on, the challenge of thei...
The general power of competence should give councils a general power of confidence says Heather J...
Heather Jameson reports on the debate organised by The MJ and Serco, on how local government can ...
DCLG floats sector-led body to procure audit when the watchdog is abolished.
Chairing a conference on local government audit last week was an interesting experience.
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