Munro Review on children's services leads to surge in demand for consultants according to Badenoc...
Tensions between Whitehall and Holyrood on the extent of devolved tax-raising powers arise before...
Research by London Councils has revealed improvements to health and social care could cut £190m o...
Greg Clark tells the Conservative Party Conference, Government must hand power from Whitehall to ...
Deputy leader of the Labour Party Harriett Harman attacks plans to change the voting system.
Public Sector Net Borrowing (PSNB) has risen higher than expected in August, according to the lat...
Ministers will be prevented from arbitrarily passing on EU fines to councils under concessions to...
Southwark LBC to review its senior management structure in light of Annie Shepperd's departure n...
Government needs to more to support job creation if the economy is to recover, IPPR reports.
The Local Government Association has hired former Shropshire CC chief executive Carolyn Downs at ...
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