Councils could be forced to reveal details of contracts worth more than £500, communities secreta...
Community budget schemes will be expanded Nick Clegg confirms.
As Doncaster MBC launches its search for a permanent chief executive, interim chief Rob Vincent a...
Decentralisation minister, Greg Clark,joined chief executives for an exclusive roundtable discuss...
Nick Clegg tells the L.G.A conference that business rates will return to local control.
Sir Merrick Cockell has promised a more confident association in his speech at the LGA conference.
Ministers are considering inviting councils and their partners to bid to manage a range of public...
The Government’s decision to back down on forcing councils into weekly bin collection is a step f...
MPs have delivered a damning verdict on ministers' failure to give councils real powers in the Lo...
The Localism Bill is unnecessary legislation according to authority leaders in Yorkshire and Humber.
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