Local government bosses are far more concerned about cuts than their counterparts across the rest...
Ministers have no intention of backing down over directly elected police commissioners, Home Secr...
Heather Jameson sees some hope for Big Society in the wake of this week's riots in cities across ...
Local authorities should be given extra cash to deal with the riots, leader of the Labour Party E...
Greg Clark’s new role as minister for cities has taken on an urgency as latest GDP figures show U...
The National Planning Policy Framework cuts the existing 1,000 pages of policy down to just a 52-...
The new chief executive of Suffolk CC is likely to be paid a basic salary of around £157,000 a year.
Rob Whiteman, one of the frontrunners to take over the top job at the Local Government Group has ...
The Government has launched its plans for councils to keep the business rates raised in their are...
A front runner for the chief executive’s role at the LGA, Rob Whiteman, has been appointed new ch...
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