Author Profile

Malcolm Morley

Articles by Malcolm Morley

Managing investment strategies

By Malcolm Morley | 19 September 2018

Malcolm Morley sets out the detail authorities must master if they are to successfully engage wit...

The five steps to joint working

By Malcolm Morley | 04 September 2018

Prof Malcolm Morley gives his views on how to make joint working situations – whether in the publ...

Commercialisation: learning from experience

By Malcolm Morley | 27 September 2017

Professor Malcolm Morley gathers the experience and learning of key figures in the public and not...

There's still room to liberate resources from existing assets

By Malcolm Morley | 13 September 2017

While many councils are making the case for fresh resources to meet oncoming challenges, Malcolm ...

Time for the medicine

By Malcolm Morley | 14 August 2017

Malcolm Morley analyses the commecial strategy of a major company and draws some key lessons for ...

Markets can be fickle beasts. How can councils mitigate risk?

By Malcolm Morley | 21 July 2017

The jury is still out on whether councils are as good as they need to be for their latest commerc...

A catalyst for change

By Malcolm Morley | 10 May 2017

Commercialisation should not be treated as an add-on activity but as a vehicle for challenging co...

Messages from the private sector

By Malcolm Morley | 20 April 2017

Malcolm Morley interviews leading business figures and produces some key lessons for commercial c...

Making the move into commercialism

By Malcolm Morley | 01 February 2017

As the new year dawns and council budgets continue to shrink, Malcolm Morley explains why it is v...

Working in a competitive world

By Malcolm Morley | 18 October 2016

In this climate of devolution, joint working and combined authorities, Malcolm Morley says local ...