Councils have had payments-by-results made for over two-thirds of their troubled families, the Go...
Local authorities will be allowed to raise council tax by up to 2% in 2015/16, local government m...
The budget for improvement services could be opened up to the private sector, as exclusively reve...
The New Homes Bonus has ‘some way to go before it can reach its full potential to impact on attit...
Former council chief executive Max Caller has been announced as one of the commissioners who will...
The leader of Aylesbury Vale DC called for a ‘step change’ in how services are delivered as he ba...
CLG chair issues sharp warning to ministers over perceived complacency amid an uncertain future f...
Dividing lines over how to answer the English Votes for English Laws (EVEL) question have been dr...
Children’s services directors have insisted that support for improvement should be sector-owned a...
Immediate structural reforms need to be made to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) to avo...
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