Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Nottingham hits back at 'bankruptcy' claims

By Laura Sharman | 10 December 2020

Nottingham City Council has refuted claims that it is on the verge of bankruptcy.

New guidance to help councils scrutinise services for children in care

By Laura Sharman | 10 December 2020

Councils have been urged to review their services for looked after children after a report highli...

Public health cuts biggest in North East

By Laura Sharman | 09 December 2020

The Midlands and the North have suffered the biggest public health cuts in England, new analysis ...

Sandwell's outsourced refuse workers secure back pay deal

By Laura Sharman | 07 December 2020

Refuse workers in Sandwell are set to receive substantial back pay following intervention by trad...

Spending on libraries drops by £20m in past year

By Laura Sharman | 04 December 2020

The total spend on British libraries has fallen by nearly £20m in the past financial year, new fi...

Jenrick outlines fast track planning service for public buildings

By Laura Sharman | 04 December 2020

Councils will have a legal duty to make decisions on new schools and hospitals within 10 weeks un...

Whitehall failing to harness councils' enthusiasm on climate action

By Laura Sharman | 04 December 2020

The Government will fail to meet its 2050 net zero carbon target without working in partnership w...

Spending Review: NHS receives £3bn funding boost

By Laura Sharman | 25 November 2020

The chancellor has announced £18bn will be spent on preventative coronavirus measures next year, ...

Tougher tier system unveiled under COVID winter plan

By Laura Sharman | 24 November 2020

Every area of England will be placed into a tougher tier-system under the Government’s COVID wint...

Councils have 'serious concerns' over protecting rough sleepers this winter

By Laura Sharman | 24 November 2020

Some councils will face the 'difficult choice' of leaving people to sleep rough or placing them i...