Author Profile

James Evison

Articles by James Evison

Council vote puts reorganisation bid in doubt

By James Evison | 31 January 2017

Plans for the creation of two unitary authorities in Dorset have been dealt a blow after three co...

Scottish council funding row escalates

By James Evison | 31 January 2017

The Convention Of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) has escalated its argument with the Scottish...

Directors call for £1bn emergency funding

By Dan Peters | 30 January 2017

Councils could fail to meet to meet their statutory duties without ‘emergency’ government funding...

Southwark seeks judicial review for CPO

By James Evison | 24 January 2017

Southwark LBC has reached out to communities secretary Sajid Javid to discuss the stalled redevel...

LGA backs districts following Whitehall raid on NHB budget

By Dan Peters | 24 January 2017

The Local Government Association (LGA) has backed furious districts angry after Whitehall raided ...

Caerphilly pay rise scandal costs to exceed £2.5m

By James Evison | 10 January 2017

The full cost of the senior officer pay scandal at Caerphilly CBC will top £2.5m, the local autho...

Casey admits concerns over extremism funding

By James Evison | 09 January 2017

Extremism tsar Dame Louise Casey has admitted she is concerned about funding levels in key areas ...

Looming elections raise doubts over use of social care precept

By James Evison | 09 January 2017

A half-a-billion pound ‘black hole’ in adult social care budgets could be created because of loom...

Rebel councils stand firm in face of DCLG crackdown

By James Evison | 16 December 2016

Three rebel local authorities flouting the Department for Communities and Local Government’s (DCL...

'Increase autonomy, and reduce hierarcy'

By James Evison | 13 December 2016

Creating workforce strategies to increase autonomy and reduce hierarchy should be an ‘absolute pr...